Use of Portfolio in Learning and Assessment 2023

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Course Description

The origin of the word portfolio is interesting. It is the combination of two words: ‘portare’ which means ‘to carry’ and ‘follium’ which means ‘leaf/ sheet’. Portfolio is a portable and a living document that collects personal and professional goals, achievements, and reflections in a systematic manner.

In this workshop, our aims are to explore portfolio-based learning and assessment in greater details and answer the following critical questions: · What is portfolio? · What is the purpose of portfolio? · How does the purpose of portfolio influence the content and organisation? · How can portfolio help me to support student learning? · How can portfolios be used for assessments?


Preparation before the session

Participants are required to read the abstracts for the following articles:

1. The educational effects of portfolios on undergraduate student learning: A Best-Evidence Medical Education (BEME) systematic review. BEME Guide No. 11

2. The effectiveness of portfolios for post-graduate assessment and education: BEME Guide No 12

3. Portfolios for assessment and learning: AMEE Guide no. 45

Participants are required to read the full text for the following articles and slides:

1. “Portfolios” as a method of assessment in medical education

2. Overview of Portfolio

3. Opportunity within a crisis—A push towards programmatic assessment in the COVID‐19 pandemic situation


Additional Reading:

1. Margery H. Davis and Gominda G. Ponnamperuma, PortfolioAssessment, Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Volume 32 Issue 3, Fall 2005, pp. 279-284.  [Highly Recommended]

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Total selected module:

3/5 points earned(60%)
